Structural Genomics of human proteins - target selection and generation of a public catalog of expression clones.
Bussow K, Scheich C, Sievert V, Harttig U,
Schultz J, Simon B,
Bork P, Lehrach H, Heinemann U
Microb Cell Fact.
2005 Jul 5; 4: 21. Epub 2005 Jul 5; PubMed:
Abstract + PDF
BACKGROUND: The availability of suitable recombinant protein is still a major bottleneck in protein structure analysis. The Protein Structure Factory, part of the international structural genomics initiative, targets human proteins for structure determination. It has implemented high throughput procedures for all steps from cloning to structure calculation. This article describes the selection of human target proteins for structure analysis, our high throughput cloning strategy, and the expression of human proteins in Escherichia coli host cells. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Protein expression and sequence data of 1414 E. coli expression clones representing 537 different proteins are presented. 139 human proteins (18%) could be expressed and purified in soluble form and with the expected size. All E. coli expression clones are publicly available to facilitate further functional characterisation of this set of human proteins.