Publications of S. Nishijima

Publications of S. Nishijima

The individual publication lists here have to be considered only in the context of the Bork Group.
Authors in this color are/were of Bork Group. [Altmetric off].
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2025 1 publication(s).
Fecal microbial load is a major determinant of gut microbiome variation and a confounder for disease associations.
Nishijima S, Stankevic E, Aasmets O, Schmidt TSB, Nagata N, Keller MI, Ferretti P, Juel HB, Fullam A, Robbani SM, Schudoma C, Hansen JK, Holm LA, Israelsen M, Schierwagen R, Torp N, Telzerow A, Hercog R, Kandels S, Hazenbrink DHM, Arumugam M, Bendtsen F, Brøns C, Fonvig CE, Holm JC, Nielsen T, Pedersen JS, Thiele MS, Trebicka J, Org E, Krag A, Hansen T, Kuhn M, Bork P, GALAXY and MicrobLiver Consortia
2025 Jan 9; 188(1): 222-236.e15. PubMed: 39541968.
2024 2 publication(s).
Multi-biome analysis identifies distinct gut microbial signatures and their crosstalk in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
Akiyama S, Nishijima S, Kojima Y, Kimura M, Ohsugi M, Ueki K, Mizokami M, Hattori M, Tsuchiya K, Uemura N, Kawai T, Bork P, Nagata N
2024 Nov 27; 15(1): 10291. PubMed: 39604394.
Review: Opportunities and barriers for omics-based biomarker discovery in steatotic liver diseases.
Thiele M, Villesen IF, Niu L, Johansen S, Sulek K, Nishijima S, Van Espen L, Keller MI, Israelsen M, Suvitaival T, de Zawadzki A, Juel HB, Brol MJ, Stinson SE, Huang Y, Alvarez Silva MC, Kuhn M, Anastasiadou E, Leeming DJ, Karsdal M, Matthijnssens J, Arumugam M, Dalgaard LT, Legido-Quigley C, Mann M, Trebicka J, Bork P, Jensen LJ, Hansen T, Krag A, MicrobLiver and GALAXY consortia
2024 Aug 28; 81(2): 345-359. PubMed: 38552880.
Abstract + PDF
2023 2 publication(s).
Thiele M, Suvitaival T, Trošt K, Kim M, de Zawadzki A, Kjaergaard M, Rasmussen DN, Lindvig KP, Israelsen M, Detlefsen S, Andersen P, Juel HB, Nielsen T, Georgiou S, Filippa V, Kuhn M, Nishijima S, Moitinho-Silva L, Rossing P, Trebicka J, Anastasiadou E, Bork P, Hansen T, Quigley CL, Krag A, MicrobLiver , GALAXY Consortia
2023 Jun 26; 164(7): 1248-1260. PubMed: 36849086.
Abstract + PDF
Consistency across multi-omics layers in a drug-perturbed gut microbial community.
Wuyts S, Alves RJ, Zimmermann-Kogadeeva M, Nishijima S, Blasche S, Driessen M, Geyer PE, Hercog R, Kartal E, Maier L, Müller JB, Garcia Santamarina S, Schmidt TSB, Sevin DC, Telzerow A, Treit PV, Wenzel T, Typas A, Patil KR, Mann M, Kuhn M, Bork P
2023 Sep 12; 19(9): e11525. PubMed: 37485738.
Abstract + PDF
2022 1 publication(s).
Metagenomic identification of microbial signatures predicting pancreatic cancer from a multinational study.
Nagata N, Nishijima S, Kojima Y, Hisada Y, Imbe K, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Suda W, Kimura M, Aoki R, Sekine K, Ohsugi M, Miki K, Osawa T, Ueki K, Oka S, Mizokami M, Kartal E, Schmidt TSB, Molina-Montes E, Estudillo L, Malats N, Trebicka J, Kersting S, Langheinrich M, Bork P, Uemura N, Itoi T, Kawai T
2022 Jul 8; 163(1): 222-238. PubMed: 35398347.
Abstract + PDF